First Year Outing to Ballyhass

On Friday May 11th our first year classes loaded up for a day of adventure in the Ballyhass lakes activity centre. To say it was a wet dreary morning would be an understatement! The rain was biblical. We drove through floods and hailstones but remained hopeful that the Met Eireann forecast for the day to brighten would actually materialise.

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2nd Year Trip to Kilkenny

Last Friday our Second Years went back in history and visited one of Ireland’s medieval gems; Kilkenny City . Following a very wet start we arrived in Kilkenny at 11am and took a very enjoyable train journey around Kilkenny city which highlighted the key historical fortifications of the walled town as well as providing us with a commentary on Kilkenny through the ages

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Road to Malawi

On the 9th of May there will be a charity walk which first and fourth years will take part in . The charity walk is in aid of The Surgeon Noonan Programme . A past pupil , Ciara Costello , will be travelling to Malawi to volunteer in St. Gabriel’s Hospital .

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