Sports Day 2017

Rain cleared the way for blue skies on Friday 29th September in Scoil Mhuire gan Smál where the annual sports day took place. Class rivalry came to the fore with face paints and  high spirits, as the students looked forward to the day ahead.

Various events took place over the day, including basketball, races and relays, shot put and tug of war. As usual, the 5th V 6th year tug of war battle was hotly contested, with 6th years coming out on top! The novelty events were a big hit, and included the bronco bull and gladiators. Students even tested their strength and fitness taking on such challenges as the bar hang, skipping and the plank with an outstanding 17 minutes topping the leader-board!

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the events. It was fantastic to see so many happy faces winning medals, and contributing to the good spirit and team efforts on the day. A big thanks also to the teachers who worked so hard organizing the day and to all the staff who managed  the events. Thanks for making it such a fun day for all.

Another great sports day at SMGS!

Grainne O'RiordanComment