Scifest 2020 - Vote for our girls Aishling and Nadia.
Scifest 2020: Start voting for Blarney students !!
The Aim of Scifest:
The aim of SciFest is to encourage a love of science, technology, engineering and maths through active, collaborative, inquiry-based learning and to provide a forum for second-level students at local/regional level to present and display their scientific investigations.
Who You Are Voting For:
Aishling Reeves and Nadia O’Sullivan, 2nd year students from Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál, Blarney, won the Boston scientific medical device award and the Intel best technology award. They completed their project on Sudden Infant death syndrome. They created a temperature monitor that will alert parents if their baby is overheating. Overheating is one of the major risk factors of SIDS.
The girls are through to the national finals. The project was evaluated by an expert panel of judges from academia, enterprise and government. Sincere thanks to their Science teachers Ms. O’Donoghue and Mr. Nolan for all their support shown to both students.
What It Is:
The STEM Outreach Award is an opportunity for SciFest National Finalists to communicate their findings via a 2-minute online video. The video with the most votes, cast via The SciFest National Final website, will win The STEM Outreach Award and €300.
The videos will be published live on the SciFest National Final website and voting will commence on Monday November 16th and will close on Friday November 27th at 5pm.
The winner will be announced on Monday November 30th. You can vote once a day from Monday 16 November to Friday 27 November 2020 by clicking the following link or simply visit and look for the STEM Outreach Award icon on the homepage.
The link will be active from 09.00 on Monday 16 November. You can vote once a day from 16-27 November.
Remember vote once a day from 16 -27 November 2020 for Aishling Reeves and Nadia O' Sullivan, Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal, Blarney Secondary School link
or simply visit and look for the STEM Outreach Award icon on the homepage.